Close more deals, faster with powerful features

Shorten sales cycles and increase conversions with our advanced and intuitive platform.

Document Analytics

See who views and completes your documents

Drive data-driven decision-making by tracking viewers, page-by-page engagement, completion rates, shares, and more.

Viewer Feed

See a real-time feed of viewer activity to monitor engagement as it happens.


Time Spent Per Page

Understand viewer interests and page-specific engagement levels.


Drop-Offs Per Page

Identify where viewers are leaving your document to pinpoint potential areas of improvement.


Activity Feed

Track all viewer actions in one place, including views, shares, and downloads.


Real-Time Notifications

Get notified instantly with detailed analytics on viewer behavior.


Share Tracking

Discover new stakeholders by monitoring link forwards and shares.


Session-Specific Data

Analyze individual viewing sessions to gain detailed insights into viewer behavior.


Aggregate Data

View combined data from all viewers to identify overall trends and patterns.


Performance Over Time

Monitor performance over time to understand long-term engagement and effectiveness.


Secure Sharing

Share files with confidence

Share your files efficiently, professionally, and with peace of mind.

Share via links

Easily share single or multiple documents with secure, trackable links.


Custom branding

Personalize the viewing experience with your company's branding.


Enable or disable access

Control access to your documents with ease, at any time.


Require email to view

Collect the emails of those viewing your documents to identify and contact.


Seamless updates

Update documents in real-time without changing the shared link.


Allow downloading

Allow or prevent viewers downloading your documents.


Data rooms

Organize and share documents in secure virtual data rooms.


Data room folders

Create structured folders within data rooms for better organization.


File storage

Securely store your documents with robust file storage solutions.


Interactive Actions

Enhance engagement with custom call-to-actions

Boost user interaction and data collection with built-in forms.

Custom action buttons

Add interactive buttons to your documents that trigger custom forms.


Custom forms

Use our form-builder to create custom forms for tailored user submissions.


Built-in document forms

Display a form on the last page of your document for seamless data collection or feedback.


The most intelligent way to share and track documents